How IQ tests became a thing

This IQ Test is the only accredited online version for the Stanford-Binet.

rectangle bgDeveloped by scientists at Stanford University and Harvard University

The brains behind the first-invented IQ test is French Psychologist Alfred Binet, who created it to measure how different children handled school work to group and mentor them based on their abilities. The problem Binet wanted to tackle in his time is the same one we face today: teachers can be subjective in their judgments of children, potentially leading parents to form misguided opinions and expectations about them. The third edition of the test was later developed by Stanford University, and a fifth edition by Harvard University, to be more rounded as an evaluation of intelligence.

Who we are

Given the high demand and necessity of an accurate and analytical IQ test, the fifth edition of the Stanford-Binet IQ test is more feasible and accessible to everybody. What once upon a time was very expensive, needed two hours to complete, required equipment and a tedious analysis by experts, the test is now available online, takes way less time to complete, and at an affordable price to go hand in hand with our modern-day lifestyles.

Who we are

The Stanford-Binet IQ test is the number-one IQ test in the world. It is widely used to help parents, teachers, students, and adults of all ages pin-point their intellectual strengths and weaknesses in a variety of different areas to boost academic and professional careers.

Who we are
1. What is the Stanford-Binet IQ test?
The Stanford-Binet IQ test is a standardized intelligence test designed to measure cognitive abilities. The test consists of a series of subtests that measure different aspects of cognitive ability, such as Working memory, logical and mathematical skills, processing speed, innate intelligence, Knowledge level, and other abilities. Scores are calculated based on the number of correct answers and the test taker's age and abstract thinking. It is one of the most widely used IQ tests in the world.
2. Who can take the Stanford-Binet IQ test?
The test can be taken by individuals of all ages, from young children to adults but it's the world's most accurate IQ test for people aged 5-20 years old.
3. How long does the Stanford-Binet IQ test take?
The test usually takes around 30-60 minutes to complete, depending on the age of the test taker.
4. Is the Stanford-Binet IQ test accurate?
Yes, the test is highly reliable and has been validated through extensive research and testing.
5. Can I take the Stanford-Binet IQ test online?
Yes, the test can be taken online in a proctored environment to ensure test security and fairness.
6. How can I prepare for the Stanford-Binet IQ test?
There is no need for specific preparation for the test, as it is designed to measure innate cognitive abilities rather than learned knowledge or skills.
7. What do the test results mean?
The test results provide a score that reflects the test taker's cognitive abilities in relation to their peers of the same age. Higher scores indicate higher levels of cognitive ability. In addition, the test will give you an indicator of a person's inclinations, the best majors they could study, and the best career fields that match their cognitive abilities.
8. How can I use the test results to help my child's education and development?
The test results can be used to identify areas of strength and weakness in cognitive abilities, which can help guide educational and developmental interventions to support the child's learning and growth.
9. Do all test takers take the same test or are there multiple tests?
No, the test varies from one person to another based on several factors, including the age of the test taker and their responses to the questions.
Developed and accredited by scientists at Stanford University and Harvard University.This IQ Test is the only accredited online version for the Stanford-Binet.* Preview includes questions from various age groups; actual test questions are age-specific.