Let’s do the math.The traditional Stanford Binet SB5 IQ test at centers can cost over $1000 and requires significant time and effort. With our accredited online version, you receive the same high-quality test and detailed report in much less time and cost, saving you both time and money.
Individual Exam
$69per exam
  • Get your unique IQ score.
Plan includes:

With that, get a comprehensive intellectual report that tackles various factors of intellectual capacity for an individual at any age.

Family Pack
$59per exam
  • Take advantage of a family offer.
Plan includes:

Get your scores along with extensive reports that will certainly show you how members of the same family can have different types of intelligence.

Academic Pack
$49per exam
  • Unlock the potential of an entire group.
Plan includes:

Leverage an IQ-score package with thorough intelligence reports for a group of people, whether to get to know your students at an educational institution, or employees in your corporation.

*Please note that a computer or a tablet is required to take the test
Curious about what insights you'll gain from your IQ report?Standford-Binet IQ test report offers valuable insights into your cognitive abilities, personalized recommendations, and normative comparisons Below, you'll find a breakdown of the key components included in your report, which aims to help you understand and leverage your unique strengths.
Intelligence Score
Intelligence Score
  • Assess overall IQ and innate intelligence.
  • Evaluate memory level and knowledge.
  • Measure logical-mathematical and visual spatial intelligence.
Brain True Age
Brain True Age
  • Discover your brain's true age.
  • Evaluate lifestyle's cognitive impact.
  • Assess brain efficiency from habits.
Strength & Weaknesses
Strength & Weaknesses
  • Understand the brain's impact on personality.
  • Identify cognitive strengths and weaknesses.
  • Uncover insights into cognitive effects.
Academic Advice
Academic Advice
  • Discover majors and careers through strengths.
  • Obtain educational and professional guidance.
  • Make informed academic and career decisions. 
Career Guidance
Career Guidance
  • Uncover career recommendations by cognitive strengths. 
  • Explore successful employment choices.
  • Capitalize on cognitive abilities for jobs.
Stanford-Binet IQ test is customized to individual ages and abilities, ensuring each applicant experiences a tailored progression of questions designed to match their cognitive development and age.This IQ Test is the only accredited online version for the Stanford-Binet